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What I Owe to Myself

I've had a lot of reflection time recently (it's the summer holidays after all, kids don't come to clubs as often as they do in school times haha) and I've been thinking about myself and how I could improve myself.

The first is the most obvious and also the hardest, stop being so hard on myself for mistakes. This is something that I've always struggled with, and probably will continue to struggle with until such a time as all becomes dust.

I'm trying though, sometimes as simple as saying "mistakes happen" is enough to help, not a lot of the time mind, but enough that it's worth at least trying a couple times right?

I also have to stop putting as much of myself into the things I make, which sounds wrong when I type it out, everything I make should be a small piece of my soul, but basing my entire self worth on people commenting or liking things is the true hell of my existence. I feel like I need at least one person to say something about my creations or I will crumble to dust.

I don't feel it here though. This place feels different. probably because I have 0 clue of anybody seeing these and no pressure to put anything out.

So basically I owe myself kindness and patience I guess. I owe it to myself to try and be nicer to this skin suit mech that houses a brain that finds it easier to write in the third person about itself (god brains are weird huh?)

I hope you all have a great day.


contact me!: luna@soup3461.com

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